Over the Wall
About Over the Wall
Over the Wall are back, and it’s the future.
The band, comprising Gav Prentice of Bathgate and Ben Hillman of Bridlington, originally met in Glasgow where they began inflicting their relationship on others through the medium of euphoric pop music. But the pain doesn’t stop there. Their release of EP “The Rise and Fall of Over the Wall” and then follow up album “Treacherous” on Motive Sounds Recordings opened the door for them to take on the UK and Ireland with their smash hit world tour “Around the Isles in 80 Days” in 2011.
Their music has received critical acclaim and been endorsed by fans of the television with songs used on TV programmes. More recently, in order to accommodate Ben Hillman’s burgeoning interest in the complexities of kazoo tuning, Gav Prentice has busied himself releasing debut solo album “The Invisible Hand” and collaborating with Kieran Hurley on National Theatre of Scotland’s “Rantin”.
But now they are back again with new tunes, new trousers, and a third thing.